Friday, August 20, 2010

.little michael london pt.2

Hey Tigers,

I've had the chance to see about 473 football games,

and witnessed only 9 goals.

What can I say. Passing is where it's at!

Now I've met Paul McCartney

There was a small group of about 75 000 of us.

And Paul told us "All you need is LOVE".

Actually he did not say that. John said that.

But Paul did play Sgt. Peppers.

...maybe we'll give Italy a try with this pizza thing.


chin up.

keep calm

carry on

have a blessed day


Sir michael robot adams brodie II

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TOO MANY Canadians in London

A visual compilation of the fun a good times I've had
with all the Canadians who live in London.

have a blessed day
michael robot adams brodie

Friday, August 13, 2010


On Saturday June 5th, around 7:00pm my father suffered a massive heart attack. He was taken into ICU at St. Mary's hospital in Kitchener. He wasn't responding but they didn't stop working. His heart began beating on his own, he was breathing on his own but he remained unconcious. Sadly his brain was not okay due to lack of oxygen. I took a rush flight from London and my sister Kristen took a rush flight from Edmonton.

His ENTIRE family was there.

My mother kissed him goodbye on Wednesday June 9th at 00:00:48am.

She looked beautiful.

Gary Lee Brodie,

August 13th 1954 - June 9th 2010

His organs were donated and his body will be cremated.

The funeral will be held on Saturday June 12th.

All are welcome and encouraged to join.

He was a loving husband to Janice Audrey Adams

and a wonderful father to Jennifer Leigh, Michael Robert Adams, Kristen Louise and Stephen William. He was always there.

He was an MVP basketball player, he's made a hole in one, he loved New York, and he liked watching the Lion King on Sunday before church.

He was the tallest man in the world.

I love you Dad,


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

a trip to BARCELONA

YES I took a trip to Barcelona.


Why wouldn't I.

Any body who has ever been to Barcelona says the same thing to me,

"Oh my goodness Park Guell will be your favourite thing in the world"

FACT- it would be a dream job of mine to create my own Park like that.

Park Robot


Park michael

Park elemen-o-pee

Park Pizza...

...please submit your own ideas for what my park would be called.

You'll notice no pics of food.

I don't like when everything is pickled.

have a blessed day


michael robot adams brodie